Pothos Plant Flower

The plant will need to grow to a size of 35 feet or higher before being able to flower. Pothos does not flower in cultivation sin…

Ficus Bonsai

Ficus benjamina in general is well-suited for bonsai beginners primarily because they adapt quickly to environmental changes. The…

Elm Bonsai Tree

Welcome back to another installment of ProgressionThursday where I take you through a progression of one of the trees in my garde…

Best Soil For Golden Pothos

GOLDEN POTHOS PLANT CARE SHEET. Plant your pothos in any well-draining potting mix with a couple of handfuls of perlite to maximi…

Meaning Behind Bonsai Tree

The further the reproduction was in size from the original the more magically potent it. Feng Shui supports the addition of plant…